There are no Open Network Issues Currently

Server Status

Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues.

Server Name HTTP FTP POP3 PHP Info Server Load Uptime
Burlington, Massachusetts, United States PHP Info
Falkenstein, Bavaria, Germany PHP Info
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan PHP Info
Montreal, Quebec, Canada PHP Info
Multan, Punjab, Pakistan PHP Info
Singapore, Southeast Asia PHP Info
Strasbourg, France, Europe PHP Info
Warsaw, Poland, Europe PHP Info
Interconnection Outage - FFM1 (Resolved) Critical

Affecting Server - Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

  • 24/08/2023 13:43 - 25/08/2023 13:22
  • Last Updated 24/08/2023 15:47

We're currently facing a network outage at our FFM1 Location. Our team is actively investigating the root cause to restore normal operations as quickly as possible. We will provide regular updates as we gather more information and make progress towards a solution.
We understand the importance of our services to your operations and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We greatly appreciate your patience and will keep you informed as we work towards a resolution.
Our technican is on it's way and we're awaiting restore
Services are back online, we're checking all relevant systems.
We are aware, that the cause of the recent issue was a blackout affecting almost all of the southern part of Frankfurt/Offenbach due to an accident on the high voltage network of Netzdienste Rhein Main. In our case, it caused an issue on a single power feed, supplying one phase of 20 racks, which was in transfer bypass mode for temporary maintenance reasons, leading to tripped rack fuses up on load transfer due to the starting current of some servers. The cause and potential mitigations will be further clarified once we have restored remaining services, thank you for your patience.

Router fault in Datacenter (Resolved) Medium
  • 03/08/2022 19:43 - 03/08/2022 19:49
  • Last Updated 03/08/2022 19:56

We are currently experiencing a fault on our router. Our technicians are working hard on analyzing the cause of the interruption in order to solve the issue. Please bear with us. As soon as more information is available, we shall inform you via this website.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding.

Affected Servers: ch01 only



Router has been fixed with in 8 minutes, Affected server ch01 is back now.

Urgent updates on Direct Admin Host no. 11 (Resolved) Low

Affecting Server -

  • 07/07/2022 00:08 - 07/07/2022 02:02
  • Last Updated 07/07/2022 02:02

We're aware about the Web Server crashes on Direct Admin Server No. 11, We are working on this and Will get back soon with some updates.


Web Server has been live again, We are working further to fix this.


All done, Good to go :)

Internet Speed - PAK DC (Resolved) Critical

Affecting Other - Pakistan Region

  • 25/05/2022 17:24 - 25/05/2022 22:30
  • Last Updated 25/05/2022 18:24

Internet Speed abruptly slows down in Whole Pakistan due to Political Situation.

InnoDB Crashed (Resolved) Critical
  • 11/03/2022 04:34 - 14/03/2022 21:41
  • Last Updated 19/05/2022 21:42

Team is working to restore the database's from backups, Patient will be highly appreciated in this inconvenience caused.

For more details, Mail us at

Network issue on cPanel Server (Resolved) High

Affecting Other -

  • 19/05/2022 19:41 - 20/05/2022 19:17
  • Last Updated 19/05/2022 21:41

We are working on this and Will update once the issue resolved.

Let's Encrypt SSL issue on Multiple Servers (Resolved) Low

Affecting Other - Free SSL

  • 00/00/0000 - 11/11/2021 23:58
  • Last Updated 01/10/2021 19:10

Let's Encrypt cross-signed DST Root X3 expired yesterday. If you are hitting an error on SSL, check out fixes in their community forum.